Website Changes

This blog is used by the Web Administrator to list updates to the website. This blog is summarized on the front page to make it easy for the members it locate new material without having to go  through the entire site. 

  • January 31, 2024 8:31 AM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Turn a Problem into an Advantage

    by Rob Carver

    This month's article is special.  Where else will you get a book review, movie review and a message about woodworking.  Rob has run the literary gamut with this month's MTCO article.

    If you don't know the story of the University of Washington (Udub to the Seattle locals) crew team back in the pre-WWII buildup, the boys were attempting to make the Olympics in Nazi Germany.  With such an unlikely event, a book was written about that true story and recently a movie was released based on the book.

    Rob hones in on the woodworking component of the story - the shell (regatta boat for you landlubbers).  If you decide to see the movie, first read Rob's Turn a Problem into an Advantage.  You will get more out of the effect the shell's design and materials had on the Olympic outcome as it is glossed over in the movie.

  • January 31, 2024 8:25 AM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    An Infeed Table Should be Your Friend

    by Andrew Davis

    In this month's article, Andrew wants you to know that you will never walk alone as you stand by your table saw because you've got a friend.  So, with apologies to composers Rodgers and Hammerstein, Ben E. King, and Carole King, respectively, I had to get that off my chest.  That friend is an infeed table.

    As you know, outfeed tables for a table saw are much more prevalent than infeed tables.  But think of a long board in excess of 6' or a plywood sheet. An outfeed table is required to catch the ripped board.  But the same length stock has to start somewhere in front of the blade.  Hence the need for an infeed table. If that isn't reason enough, read An Infeed Table Should be Your Friend.  Andrews has more to sing about.

  • January 31, 2024 8:21 AM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Wedding Arbor

    by Don Cole

    It gives me great pleasure to bring this Feature Piece to your attention.  Don's arbor was a project but more importantly it was a labor of love.  Now I won't get wishy-washy for you hardcore woodworkers.  But think of the work that went on to mill and build this arbor mostly alone.  The arbor is really tall.  When you see the pictures in the article with people nearby, you will see for yourself.

    Don writes about building this piece and it's more involved than what you might guess.  He leads you through the steps from design to choosing the raw boards, felling chosen trees, milling, joinery and all the details that will satisfy your woodworking questions.

    But now for the softee part.  Don built arbor for his daughter Katie and groom Jesse.  It was the centerpiece at their outdoor wedding last summer.  You can catch the feel of the work but also the feel of the ceremony and pride that Papa Cole had as Katie glowed under the arbor on her wedding day in Wedding Arbor.  Featured Piece?  You betcha.

    Further information can be requested from Don Cole.

  • January 28, 2024 6:39 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Mickey Callahan presented "Hand Tool Finesse Work" at Woodcraft Walpole for January 2024 meeting.  Pictures were taken off Zoom video.

  • December 31, 2023 11:53 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Fibonacci is Not a Pizza Topping - Redux

    by Andrew Davis

    What does a nautilus and the seeds of a sunflower have in common?  Their structural arrangement follows the Fibonacci sequence of numbers. Andrew revisits his superb article from April 2020 on the golden ratio with emphasis on the Fibonacci Series.

    The golden ratio is a proportion or scale factor when measured against another dimension (think length versus width).  The golden ratio has been used as an aesthetic feature since Euclid discovered it around 300 B.C.E.  It was used by Vitruvius, a Roman architect and author, whose treatise called De Architectura inspired others including Leonardo da Vinci, a devotee of Fibonacci, to draw the Vitruvian Man.  Even the design of the Mona Lisa uses Fibonacci's Golden Spiral, which Andrew formulates in his article.

    The golden ratio, like pi, is an irrational number so it's rounded to 1.618.  But it provides utmost rationality, that is, aesthetic found in nature and used as a design rule for architects, artists, builders, and woodworkers.  Treat yourself - not to pizza - but to an entertaining read of Fibonacci is Not a Pizza Topping - Redux.

  • December 31, 2023 11:30 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Allow Time for Acclimation

    Rob Carver

    Wood acclimation is an underemphasized preparatory feature to woodworking.  Higher levels of moisture in lumber can lead to unwanted and unintended movement if cut too soon.  Perhaps we overlook this issue due to exclusively obtaining kiln dried stock.  But depending on certain species and how the stock was milled can raise the concern for acclimation.  Certainly any air dried stock is an acclimation candidate.

    Rob in this month's essay speaks more to this and another application for acclimation.  As you know we promote the adoption of, and education and improvements in woodworking in an inclusive and integrated community.  And that's were Rob leads us to in Allow Time for Acclimation.

  • December 31, 2023 11:28 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Outdoor Fire Table and Chairs

    by James Goodwin

    James is a new member and answered the call for a Feathered Piece of the month in September.  While James is a new member he is not a new woodworker.  It didn't take him long to get the itch to contribute.  His "piece" is a furniture set, including an outdoor fire table and chairs that he designed and built.  The plumbing and burner came from a kit but James did all the woodworking in red cedar.  Fitting the propane tank was a workaround.  The chairs required special tooling and upholstery.  In James writing, he is not shy about pitfalls and solutions.  You will read about a well organized process with loads of pictures.  Congratulations to James for participating in the process of contributing to the guild's community with Outdoor Fire Table and Chairs.

    Further information can be requested by clicking James Goodwin.

  • December 25, 2023 9:48 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    This set of instructions can be found under the Member tab and clocking Member Help

  • December 17, 2023 4:55 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Presentation was made at Lowell Makes, Inc. a maker space in Lowell, MA.

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