Website Changes

This blog is used by the Web Administrator to list updates to the website. This blog is summarized on the front page to make it easy for the members it locate new material without having to go  through the entire site. 

  • February 27, 2023 6:07 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    To be held on April 8th in Needham.

  • February 27, 2023 5:48 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    TV Console

    by Ed O'Neil

    We are fortunate that Ed O'Neil decided to venture into writing a summary of his TV Console piece.  Ed quickly caught on to the form and function of a Featured Piece of the Month document and submitted a wonderful example of a woodworker deciding to work on a specific piece, formulating a plan, acquiring the necessary stock, resolving pitfalls, learning new skills, and placing the piece in operation. 

    One of the skills was writing the document.  Fortunately, Ed had taken pictures along the development path so he had all the ingredients to complete the summary. I'm grateful that Ed persevered through the processes, both woodworking and sharing his experience in this document.  Check out Ed's delightful TV Console.

    Further information can be requested by clicking Ed O'Neil.

  • February 27, 2023 5:46 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Measure 9 Times, Then Measure Again

    by Andrew Davis

    You are reading the correct column.  Indeed, this is the Bevel Cut, not the neighboring Measure Twice, Cut Once column.  And it must be said that Bevel Cut is not trying to outdo MTCO even though it stresses many more than two pre-cutting measurements.

    Actually, this article is about reassessing Andrew's (and by extension your) measurement process - the tools he uses and the tools he might consider adding to his toolbox.  The question remains, however.  How many times does it take to measure before you cut?

    Read Andrew's Measure 9 Times, Then Measure Again.

  • February 27, 2023 5:44 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Hit the Nail on the Head

    Rob Carver

    I figured at some point Rob would reveal his essay with this titular theme.  And now we have it.  It's a saying that we all know and, no doubt, have used in and outside woodworking.  Rob gives a very nice interpretation of this common saying.

    One doesn't need to know much about hammering to know what could happen if the nail head is not hit squarely.  Because of the effect of hitting the nail not on the head, the title could have been "Think Twice, Hit Once", with apologies to the author.  But, of course, "hitting the nail on the head" has nonliteral meanings.  And that's why this saying is used so often.

    Read all about it in Hit the Nail on the Head.  May I say (and maybe give Rob an idea for another essay), that he nailed it?

  • February 13, 2023 11:33 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    The Segmented Turning presentation outline by Paul Schulz and resource list is moved to the Resources tab.

    The outline was part of the September, 2022 meeting.

  • February 12, 2023 9:45 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Meeting took place at Thomas Johnson's workshop in Gorham, ME.

  • February 01, 2023 1:12 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    After considerable interest, EMGW is offering to sell a work shirt complete with EMGW logo. Here is an opportunity to show your EMGW pride when you attend a class, woodworking show, demonstration, weddings, bar mitzvahs, etc. (but first ask your spouse/partner!).

    We are soliciting interest in ordering these work shirts.  After researching multiple sources, we will likely use Corporate Casuals in Concord, MA.  The picture below is from a mock-up of our shirt. Available sizes range from “XS” to “6XL”.

    Pricing will depend on how many items we order but likely between $35 and $50 per shirt including taxes, and shipping.

    If you’re interested, please let Ken know how many shirts and what sizes you want by February 25. Once the order is placed, I’ll have definite pricing and we can arrange for payment and delivery.

  • January 30, 2023 9:07 AM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Projects are run by Steve Hoffman for the Stools Project and Jeff Clunie for the Cutting Board Project.

  • January 30, 2023 9:05 AM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Fair and Square

    Rob Carver

    I really like this article.  I'm interested in etymology although I'm not an etymologist by any stretch of the imagination.  So when I read Rob's latest MTCO article, I enjoyed the research and the sometimes contradictory meanings of "fair" and "square".  Clearly, in woodworking we use these terms often, especially square, which is the objective we strive for.

    These terms outside woodworking can mean other things.  Before the mid-20th century these words used separately had a positive, just, unblemished, righteous meaning.  I remember my cub scout pledge was "to be square".  But since then "fair" and "square" have largely been used as mediocre and old-fashioned, respectively.  Are we woodworkers carrying on an idealized notion of "fair" and "square"?  I don't want to be cynical by saying that this is a tiny but symptomatic example of degrading norms -- but I wonder.  Outside of woodworking, what was once a compliment is evolving to be something to be avoided.

    Read all about it in Fair and Square.

    You can reach Rob for comments and additional information, by clicking Rob Carver.

  • January 30, 2023 9:03 AM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)


    by Andrew Davis

    There has been a long line of Artificial Intelligent chatbots (natural language programs that can converse with humans) with Eliza being the most (in)famous surfacing in the mid 1960s. It became an academic sensation because the psychotherapy it was devised to produce fooled many knowledgeable members of the MIT student body.  All it did was rephrase questions it was given as answers and was able to carry on a conversation much like a fortune teller would.  The advancement was Eliza's perfect grammar, spelling, and sticking to the therapeutic matter.

    Andrew writes about the newest AI phenomenon you may have heard about.  ChatGPT is a general purpose chatbot answering any questions posed to it in any field of interest.  For ChatGPT to work it was given 570GB of Wiki and other information as a knowledge base.  However, in any user interaction, ChatGPT is not allowed to access the internet for anything new.  So the question of its value is in the notion of machine learning.  That is, how much will ChatGPT learn new information by interacting with users.  Andrew gave it a shot in the field of woodworking.  Read about Andrew's experience in ChatGPT about ChatGPT.

    Andrew welcomes your feedback.

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