Website Changes

This blog is used by the Web Administrator to list updates to the website. This blog is summarized on the front page to make it easy for the members it locate new material without having to go  through the entire site. 

  • September 19, 2021 6:47 AM | James Russell (Administrator)

    The Unassuming Dressing Table by Steve Brown September 18, 2021

  • September 01, 2021 7:15 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Rob Carver, who incidentally built this month's Featured Piece of the Month, has decided to offer further talents to the guild.  Rob is a relative newcomer to the guild but has attended many FIG and monthly meetings so is familiar with many of our members, culture, and ambitions.  I look forward to reading his well-written and thoughtful contributions on a regular basis.  In his own words, here is how Rob envisions his column.

    Welcome to a periodic series of light-hearted reflections on woodworking ideas and principles that shed light in other domains and vice versa. These essays will be short on technique but might stimulate exchange of ideas about how woodworking can enrich the rest of life. I hope that others will pick up the thread and propose ways in which their experiences as makers, artisans, and crafters inform their daily lives.

    Peter Korn, founder of the Rockport, Maine Center for Furniture Craftsmanship wrote, “To master a craft is not to achieve a state of enlightenment, despite my youthful expectations to the contrary. Creative practice simply makes our lives richer in meaning and fulfillment than they might be otherwise.” (Why We Make Things and Why it Matters, Boston: David R. Godine Publishers, 2013, p. 166).

    Each MTCO essay will begin with a familiar shop precept, a comment on its meaning in the shop, and, if discernable, its origin story. Finally, I’ll suggest some ways the saying applies in other settings. If you have an idea for an old saw with uses outside the shop, please get in touch.

    And here is Rob's first article "Measure Once, Cut Twice: Life Lessons from the Shop".

    You can reach Rob for comments and additional information, click Rob Carver.

  • September 01, 2021 10:46 AM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Chippendale Footstool

    by Rob Carver

    Rob Carver kicks off the 2021-2022 EMW season with a challenging piece.  The Chippendale style with its clawed feet has fascinated Rob ever since he was a child.  Carving was not in Rob's repertoire when he thought it was time to try his hand at those cabriole legs.  His story of building his confidence and expertise is heartening and entertaining. Follow Rob's description of the process and build in the article.  

    To send your comments and questions, click Rob Carver.

  • September 01, 2021 10:44 AM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    You Can't Sit in a CAD Chair

    by Andrew Davis

    How can a woodworker design comfort?  It is more workable when designing, say a chair, for a specific person.  But it is still difficult.  Trial and error is sure to follow.  We have many woodworkers who have taken on the comfort challenge.

    Now think about designing for the general user.  I remember guild member Steve McKenna demonstrated his rocking chair several years ago at a Show and Tell annual meeting when it was held in person.  The various members present sat in it, tried it out and it was a remarkable success.  So it can be done.

    Andrew has given this issue of designing comfort some thought and writes about it in his newest Bevel Cut article culminating with his conclusion.

    Andrew welcomes your feedback.

  • August 29, 2021 10:38 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    The entire EMGW Board of Directors were re-elected for another year 2021-2022.  The Perpetual Novice column was removed.  The archive is available via The Resources tab.

  • July 07, 2021 4:15 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Resources > Featured Piece of the Month Articles

  • July 07, 2021 4:11 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Resources > Bevel Cut Articles

  • June 03, 2021 9:22 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Is the Pen Mightier than the Sword?

    by Andrew Davis

    Woodworking industry can be a cyclic industry.  Styles come and go. Fads come and go.  Materials come and go.  And some come back again.

    Andrew Davis writes about the wave of more recent trends.  Have a look in this last Bevel Cut article of the season.

    This and other past Bevel Cut articles can be found from the website's Resources > Bevel Cut Articles.

    Andrew welcomes your feedback.

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