Posted December 2021 Bevel Count article "Your Life on a USB Stick" by Andrew Davis

December 01, 2021 2:02 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

Your Life on a USB Stick

by Andrew Davis

Do you count yourself in the group of current or former subscribers of at least one woodworking magazine?  Even if you have never been a subscriber, chances are that you have been solicited to be a subscriber, especially now during the holiday season.  You are told they make good presents.

So it didn't take long for Andrew to use this advertising magazine campaign to ponder how to deal with the piles of issues that amass over the years.  The USB stick, sometimes referred to as a thumb drive, is one publishing delivery option but it has downsides as Andrew cites.  Still, that little device with cheap, local, searchable computer memory has become ubiquitous beyond just managing the storage of magazine issues.  Widening that concept to a broader view of technology in woodworking can lead to more pondering by Andrew.

So take a look at Andrew's article and dial back to the catalyst - handling magazine issues - of this progression in December's Your Life on a USB Stick.

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