A Workbench to Last a Lifetime
by Ed O'Neil
A woodworker has a lot of loyalty for tools that work for them, especially the workbench. A woodworker is at home behind their workbench but for Ed, after decades of using his original workbench and developing new skills for furniture making, the time had come to make a new home.
This is a story of designing and building a workbench from scratch. Ed provides considerable detail, tool choices, resources, and copious pictures for anyone interested in replicating his efforts. As you can see it's an appealing, sturdy, and functional workbench. The story is a perfect example of a Featured Piece by detailing the motivation, wood species, design issues, construction, overcoming pitfalls, lessons learned, wrap-up, finish, and acknowledgements. Read A Workbench to Last a Lifetime.
You can contact here Ed O'Neil.