Shop lighting

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  • December 06, 2018 3:19 PM
    Reply # 6948840 on 6945077

    I replaced the old florescent fixtures my shop last year with these. They are much brighter than the florescents were, I could chain up to 4 of them together and they were inexpensive. The ReStore and my local lumberyard periodically has them in stock for $15 each.

  • December 07, 2018 6:44 AM
    Reply # 6949550 on 6945077
    James Russell (Administrator)

    I had some robust fluorescent light fixtures that were hardwired and I did not want to replace the housing. I went with replacement bulbs. I had to remove the ballast before installing the new LED. Pretty easy to do. My bulbs came with replacement tombstone sockets. It was a while ago, but I believe I was able to use the tombstone sockets that were already in my housing. The replacements significantly increased the light in the shop and the removal of the ballasts got rid of that annoying hum.

    This is what I used.

  • December 30, 2018 2:36 PM
    Reply # 6977072 on 6945077
    Tom Shirley (Administrator)

    Update: I replaced the three fixtures and added a fourth (to the other side of the room) and the difference is amazing. I used the four pack I had found on Amazon. Thank for the information. It helped me confirm my initial choice. 

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