Website Changes

This blog is used by the Web Administrator to list updates to the website. This blog is summarized on the front page to make it easy for the members it locate new material without having to go  through the entire site. 

  • May 04, 2020 6:51 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    This column is has predominantly featured furniture.  However, there have been other pieces of note that are not in that category, such as T. Shirley's models, Jewelry box by M. Nierman, Poker Box by V. Valvo and J. Tartaglia, and a special table saw by S. Brown.  With "Regulator Clock" Jim has added to this list in the furnishings category.

    Jim Tartaglia has been busy this year.  This is his second submission in 2020 and third in the academic year.  Without taking on a large furniture piece, Jim illustrates that challenges are not in short supply with a smaller piece.  Despite his obvious advanced woodworking skill, in this piece Jim is stumped at times with pitfalls that surface.  It's how he solves these problems that makes his very readable article appealing and instructional.  Besides that, he finished building a piece that he long had on his to-do list.

    Reading Jim's article provides part history, part woodworking, and part problem solving. 

    You can reach Jim at

  • April 05, 2020 10:08 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    The Perpetual Novice returns to provide a public service.  Previous Perpetual Novice articles have attempted to look at the trials and errors of learning the woodworking craft with a bit of humor. This one is different in that it is serious. I’ve been surprised of late to see the “wrong” alcohols in a number of people’s shops. I’ve known about this for a long time and assumed it was general knowledge, but since it doesn’t seem to be, allow me this one time to slip into lecture mode.

    To read more click here.

  • April 05, 2020 3:44 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Five Drawer Miniature Chest

    by Len Nyren

    Shown here is this month's featured piece by Len Nyren.  Everything about this piece is exquisite in and of itself and reflective of the Chippendale design but it's done on a proportionally smaller level.  Made of tiger maple. Len produced this piece to match other similarly sized furniture.  The carving is exceptionally well done.

    In addition to a nicely written article Len provided several pictures to enhance your viewing of some pf the detail. Take a look at Len's Five Drawer Miniature Chest.

    You can reach Len at

  • April 05, 2020 3:42 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Andrew has found a way to write a new article at the confluence of math, woodworking design, and the physical sciences.  And all because of an advertisement he read for a new Woodpecker's product.  By the way, despite the title of his article he did not mix in any culinary aspects.

    It turns out Woodpecker is selling a gadget that assists in the design of furniture using width - length proportions dictated by the golden rule.  This stimulated Andrew to think about the 12th-13th century mathematician Fibonacci and his number series that follows that the next term is the sum of the previous two.  I could go on but I think I'll leave it to Andrew with his newest Bevel Cut article "Fibonacci is Not a Pizza Topping".

    After you read it, ask yourself: have you ever seen an advertisement trigger such a result?

    Andrew welcomes your feedback.

  • April 01, 2020 2:24 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    The Johnsons wrote with positive feedback on the website.

  • April 01, 2020 2:21 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)
    The "Websites" section is accessed via Resources -> Links.  Scroll down to the "Websites" section.
  • April 01, 2020 7:09 AM | James Russell (Administrator)

    Thanks to Allen Ganser for video taping, editing and posting the presentation by Phil Lowe on Achieving Curved Furniture Components. It is now part of our Guild Video Library. 

    Click to watch: Achieving Curved Furniture Components

  • March 28, 2020 12:28 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Recently, an email was sent to all EMGW guild members regarding the need for personal protective equipment at local hospitals.  The purpose of this message is to reach out to other viewers of this website who are not necessarily the guild members who received that email.  We recommended that any PPE (face masks, especially N95, nitrile gloves, gowns, and face shields that you have no immediate need to call your local Board of Health, Primary Care Provider’s office, Fire Department (they usually run the EMS service), or nearest hospital and ask where/how you can donate.  Some will accept packages that are opened so don’t let that stop you.

    To emphasize that request, we received an unsolicited email from Michael Coughlin, a mental health clinician working in several Boston EDs with an urgent request for PPEs, especially, N95 masks and clear (non-mesh) face shields for Carney Hospital in Dorchester.  It was a heart-wrenching email for concern for the understaffed and under-equipped healthcare workers.  They are in such need, someone will come to pick up whatever you can offer that are in reasonably good shape.  (For example, some hospitals are decontaminating N95 masks using vaporized hydrogen peroxide.)  Please call Michael at 781-856-2032.  Thank you.
  • March 05, 2020 10:31 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Now that you are recovering from last month's article on math applications in woodworking entitled "Arithmetic Can Be Your Friend", it's time to settle into something tangible in woodworking.  But still this topic may produce headaches because of all the combinations of dust collector fittings and sizes that often make a simple process become complicated.

    Andrew commiserates.  Read about his frustrating experience and some solutions that he found in this month's Bevel Cut article.

    Andrew welcomes your feedback.
  • March 03, 2020 10:36 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Again we have a featured piece that follows the topic of a recent guild meeting presentation topic.  Last month it was Mike Zwolinski's article "Bentwood Leg Table" following the guild meeting topic of Lamination of Curved Furniture Components.

    This month, compliments of Jim Tartaglia,  the featured piece follows the topic of the February 2020 guild meeting on Advanced Veneering Techniques.  In fact, Jim's table top shows a perfect example of the sunburst design.  And Jim carries his veneering techniques further by overcoming chatoyance.  Building a curved front also had its challenges.

    Besides veneering, there is a lot here for the woodworker, including bricking for the curved front, dovetails, and a novel approach to shop-made banding.  Jim presents an orderly description of his process and one worthy of reading

    You can reach Jim at

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