Website Changes

This blog is used by the Web Administrator to list updates to the website. This blog is summarized on the front page to make it easy for the members it locate new material without having to go  through the entire site. 

  • April 08, 2019 2:50 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Paul Schulz wrote a step by step procedural document using power tools for his students at Lincoln-Sudbury High School for squaring a board.  Andrew Davis has submitted Paul's document "Squaring a Board" for those of us who haven't mastered the hand plane approach. 

    In addition, you can click No-Fail Routines For Jointing And Planing to read the article of the same name written by Wood Magazine staff and published in Wood Magazine.  The article includes pictures and a video providing step by step instructions.  Special concerns about grain direction, sizes, and rough shapes are addressed.

  • April 01, 2019 8:13 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Michael has submitted to EMGW his copyrighted article now available for posting on the EMGW website.  This is a detailed article complete with history, plans, dimensions, instructions, and advice for ambitious woodworkers who might be willing to invest some time to make your own.  Michael writes, "This piece took me 3 months to make off and on. It took more time to write about it.  It's a piece I copied from Furniture Masterworks of John and Thomas Seymour by Robert Mussey.  I cut all the veneers myself as well as made all the bandings."

    Have a read.  It's an impressive article describing an impressive piece.

  • March 17, 2019 1:04 AM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    The link to read about Lake Erie Toolworks products and discount is found under the Members tab.  Be sure you are logged into for access.

  • March 15, 2019 7:26 AM | James Russell (Administrator)

    Most  recent Board Meeting minutes posted to the Members section. Go the the Members section or click here Board Meeting Minutes March 14, 2019

  • March 11, 2019 11:11 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Guild meeting took place at Wellesley Free Library.

  • February 28, 2019 10:34 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Working with wood slabs is a subset of fine woodworking.  It requires an attractive and strong support for the slab, joinery, and finishing.  No slab based tables are alike and they can be very attractive as is one of Andrew's creations in ambrosia pictured on the Home page.  Andrew writes about his experience with slab based tables and benches with respect to procuring and working with slabs.  It's a quick read and provides his woodworker's viewpoints in Slab Mania.

  • February 28, 2019 10:32 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Jim describes his piece influenced by Thomas Moser influenced by Asian design.  In this table, Jim included some tricky joinery and bowed cross pieces.  Some of this is mindful of a piece that Jim helped me with.  That was  a cabinet that is suspended from a table that uses a similar cross-frame structure and "inverted" legs. 

    I remember Jim and me visiting a Thomas Moser showroom in Boston and marveling over his designs and workmanship.  While my piece was designed from the Mission style, Jim has taken his piece to the East with airy, delicate, and aesthetic features.  For a description of the piece by Jim click Asian Influence Table.

  • February 17, 2019 1:50 AM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Moved Period Furniture article by Jim Allen to the Resources -> Papers and Articles section.  Both Part 1 and Part 2 are listed under Papers and Articles.

  • February 17, 2019 1:40 AM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    See the slide show for pictures of Will Neptune's presentation at the February, 2019 meeting entitled “Engineering a Table with Drawers”.  Pictures taken by Tom Shirley in Vincent's absence.

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