Possible woodworking project - prototype needed

  • May 01, 2020 3:22 PM
    Message # 8940133
    Andrew Davis (Administrator)

    Hope this finds you and yours safe and sane as we enter Month 3....

    I'm reaching out to a few of my trusted Philly friends & colleagues to see if you might know someone, or know someone who knows someone, who might be able to do this and could be interested in possibly creating a little side business (or more than that?).

    As my company starts to work with our hundreds of hotel and hospital clients to begin reopening their locations, a few of them have asked if we could provide a guest/visitor "sanitization station" for them.   In concept this is a simple podium-like unit, probably made out of wood (or similar) though likely needs to have a top/counter surface that is more easily wiped down/disinfected.  It would need to neatly hold the basics for hygiene in our new world (large bottle of sanitizer, masks, cloths to wipe hands/car doors, trash receptacle, etc).   Exactly what it looks like, including various holders & storage options is open to ideation.   The basics include being attractive looking, high quality, easy to clean, have locking wheels and a lockable storage area to keep things in overnight, etc

    We do have companies who supply us with typical valet podiums, but wanted to see if there was someone local to the greater Philly area who would be interested in creating a prototype for this different type of application.  I thought it might be an opportunity for someone who enjoys building furniture already and under the circumstances maybe be interested in trying to expand that to a paying side gig.   Not clear if we might need 3 or 300 of these near-term, so right now it would be just a one-off proof of concept.

    Importantly, we would need to have a prototype available within the next 7-10 days to make a new partner a viable option.  It would not need to be perfect or beautiful, rather credible enough that we could use it at a client location and be confident it looked professional enough and would hold up under light use/test conditions.

    Please feel free to forward this email along to anyone you think could be potentially interested, or even be 3 degrees of Kevin Bacon from someone who might be.   While we do have options with existing suppliers, I'd personally like to try and use the proof of concept to help someone by creating a possible opportunity at a time when many good people find themselves looking for one.



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