Plunge Router Bases

  • September 20, 2019 7:27 AM
    Message # 7890901

    I am looking into buying a plunge router base and fence for my Dremel tool. Steward MacDonald and Lee Valley both have products to consider. Does anyone have experience with either to shed some light on which product produces the best results.


  • September 21, 2019 9:49 AM
    Reply # 7892408 on 7890901
    Ken Zoller (Administrator)

    The Veritas base is very solid and precise. There is a whole set of several adapters available - straight edge guide, circle guide, curved edge guide.

  • September 21, 2019 10:11 AM
    Reply # 7892418 on 7890901
    Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    I have no experience with the MacDonald set but I have used the Veritas/Lee Valley plunger and edge guide for various uses, mostly excavating for 1/16" thick banding and marquetry inlays.  I've found them easy to learn and use.  A center kit attachment for circular/oval guides also comes with the edge guide.  I have not used it as of yet but I know some who have and reported that it was efficient and produced what was hoped.  I have no experience with the newly released (for me) traveler or task light attachments.  However, I do have the precision adjuster, which is extremely useful.

    I've had no problems with either plunger and edge guide. The plunger has a locking mechanism and depth guide that helps a lot.  The edge guide has optional 12" rods that can extend the length from the edge to about a foot.  I found the instructions worthwhile.  If you haven't already done so, I'd suggest downloading the plunger and edge guide instructions at,260,43000,51208,73720 for better insights and expectations.

    Of course, for either product set, it would be wise to score the edge before excavating.  That being said, I forgot one time but luckily had no tear out. 

    Last modified: September 21, 2019 1:20 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

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