I moved from Seattle nearly a year ago now. In Washington I did a bit of commercial work and had my tiny business setup with, hopefully, all the proper state permits, collected sales tax, paid income tax, etc. Well, I've been lazy about getting my tiny business setup here in Massachusetts, but a potential commission has pushed me to stop procrastinating. So.... I'd love to get some local, experienced advice on this. I assume there must be a few folks here that are keeping the tax collector happy.
In the past, I had a state business license, a state resellers permit and a state tax-exempt equipment purchase form. Same in MA?
Do y'all sell products or services? Products: collect sales tax, no Form 1099. Services: no sales tax, client can generate a Form 1099. I've always sold products rather than services, but my potential client wants to generate a Form 1099.
Direct email me at davison.woodworks@gmail.com if you think this topic is too insanely dull for the group.
Thanks! Mike