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  • March 31, 2024 5:03 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    The Simplest Tool is the Best?

    by Rob Carver

    Rob presents a mental exercise on the simplest tool for a woodworker.  Think about your tool set.  Consider those that are inexpensive.  Measuring tape or ruler?  Now consider those that are utterly simple to use.  A pencil?  We all know how to use it but it requires sharpening and if you use it like me, the eraser gets used up quickly.  Sanding block?  Just wrap your sandpaper around it and work it.  I think we are getting warmer but it does require physical intervention.  Is there anything cheap, without need of sharpening, electrification, or work but offers tremendous functionality without much of a rival?  In other words, what is the simplest tool that is the best.  Think about it before you treat yourself to Rob's favorite in The Simplest Tool is the Best?  I think he's got something.there.

    You can reach Rob by clicking Rob Carver.

  • March 31, 2024 4:50 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Stop Wasting Valuable Shop Space

    by Andrew Davis

    Workshop space is a premium.  Who wouldn't like to have more space.  You can fill it with more tools, left over wood shorts, or just spread out your too tight workshop and look even further for that pencil or mini measurement square that you misplaced.  Knowing the market need for workshop space, Andrew, our intrepid purveyor and digital researcher, has uncovered a net space savings in the workshop located in or near the house while increasing considerable time efficiency at the same time.  This novel approach bridges woodworking and cooking.

    As seen in the picture to the left, Andrew reports that a combo table saw and heating element was developed by the Cuisinought company.  It's called the CuisinSaw and has two models.  Think about it.  The heating element can be used to maintain your hot hide glue with perfect viscosity, allow for the perfect sand shading temperature, steam water for bending wood and, get this, cooking on a full-functioning cooktop. No longer will you delay eating a meal in order to finish a particular woodworking task.  Dinner can be cooked and ready within steps. And no longer will your partner be upset with you  arriving well after your meal has turned cold just to finish that last dovetail.  With the CuisinSaw your dovetail and lobster tail would be finished at the same time.  The applications are limited only by your imagination. 

    Check CuisinSaw's two models and other key information in Andrew's Stop Wasting Valuable Shop Space, the motto of Cuisinought's business.

    Andrew welcomes your feedback.

  • March 31, 2024 4:48 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Harvey Ellis Cabinet

    by Dave McCormick

    This is the second Featured Piece presented by the prolific Dave McCormick this year.  Dave's Demilune Table was featured in September.  No matter the complexity of the piece Dave decides to make, he has mastered the art and quality of his craftsmanship.

    This exquisite Harvey Ellis cabinet was made from a design he made after viewing a picture of it in a Stickley catalog.  That design grew to a full-scale drawing of most of the cabinet.  Attention to the finest detail is something that Dave has come to behold and master.  Beyond that Dave adds some detail of his own like the vertical inlay found in the cabinet doors.

    Dave's straightforward description of his build process is clearly articulated amidst copious pictures that demonstrate step by step the workmanship one can marvel at.  The cabinet is made from walnut and holly.  If you are turned on by simply elegant work with various integrated features, you must read Dave's article on making a Harvey Ellis Cabinet.

    Further information can be requested from Dave McCormick.

  • March 25, 2024 10:00 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    The page is found in the list under the ABOUT US tab.

  • March 14, 2024 8:47 AM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Posted the "Design Inspiration and Process" slide presentation from the March 2024 guild meeting.

  • March 13, 2024 9:53 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Mike Roughan, Linda Smith, Mike Bosin, and Marc Holland Presents

    "Design Inspiration and Process" at MassArt, Boston

    March, 2024

  • February 29, 2024 2:55 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Sharp as a Tack

    by Rob Carver

    Some similes make sense.  Many don't.  Similes are used for comparisons and attempt to emphasize the comparison.  Consider "light as a feather".  Depending on the feather, if you want emphasis you could find things lighter than a feather like a crumb, a ladybug, or the obvious, air.  How about "clean as a whistle".  Some whistles are not clean at all.  In fact, they can be pretty messy.  Maybe it's the clean sound because whistles have few overtones.  Consider "fast as the wind".  Too bad the simile predates 1970 when U.S. National Hurricane Center developed the Hurricane scale with Categories 1 through 5.  It could have been "fast as Cat 5".

    Once a phrase catches on, similes are forever like "sharp as a tack".  Who uses tacks anymore and what's the meaning of sharp?  Read Sharp as a Tack.

    You can reach Rob by clicking Rob Carver.

  • February 29, 2024 2:47 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    New or Improved: An Age-old Dilemma

    by Andrew Davis

    It always seems to come to this.  Another decision to be made.  If it's not an issue about the dimension of the piece, it's about the joinery, or perhaps, salvaging a part that's not exactly intended.  I won't even go into the various possible finishes.  There are a gazillion decisions to be made.  Think of a piece or style you've never made before.  What if it's about the price of a tool, whether it's worth the value?  If it's a go then there's a decision where to locate it in the workshop.  And that's where this intro meets Andrew's March Bevel Cut article.

    The issue he poses is one that we all have encountered.  What if a woodworker, after laboring over the research and deciding on the cost/benefit to purchase the tool finds that a newer and improved version appears in the ads?  Hold off acting out.  Instead read New or Improved? An Age-old Dilemma as Analytical Andrew reveals his decision options.   

    Andrew welcomes your feedback.

  • February 29, 2024 2:46 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Shaker Style Cherry Coffee Table

    by Tom Shirley

    Curly Cherry is such a dynamic species that it can be a centerpiece in any room.  When Tom was asked by a relative to build a coffee table he had an opportunity to use his curly cherry stock.  The design was his and a Shaker style was agreed upon.  Knowing the functional use of drawers in a coffee table he decided to add a couple.  Or did he?  Take a look at the coffee table picture.  The view is showing where the drawers should be.  Did he forget to add the drawers?  Did he decide that the curly cherry pattern was stunning enough?  As you've experienced, woodworkers sometimes change the design based of unforeseen events but not necessarily in this case.

    Tom writes about his process, pitfalls, joinery, and more.  Given the number of mortise/tenon pairs the table couldn't be more sturdy. This is a very considered design and a terrific model to consider how to join legs, aprons, and drawer rails.  Drawers rails?  Check out Tom's Shaker Style Cherry Coffee Table. He does a wonderful job of drawing you into building his piece as though you are watching it happen in person. 

    Further information can be requested from Tom Shirley.

  • February 28, 2024 1:48 PM | Vincent Valvo (Administrator)

    Posted March 2024 Woodworking Tip - March 2024 Tip Make Clamps Easier to Turn

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