Halley's Comet
by Andrew Davis
Andrew steps outside the sphere of making furniture to address his opinions on the cyclical nature of topics published in woodworking journals. His thesis is that there is a finite set of recurring topics (e.g., Turning) in the woodworking universe. Beyond that, the half-life of each topic is on a regular basis of 86 weeks when any given woodworking topic is ready to be seen again. That spacing may be a lot of time, but Andrew goes further.
Andrew lists the topics that are repeated as though they have a gravitational pull to return our world in eastern Mass. Why are these publishers so short-sighted? All these topics are within the orbit of woodworking, but one wonders when there will be a change (delta?) in the velocity or momentum before we see something new. We can always hope for an expansion to that universe. Click to read the aptly named Halley’s Comet article.
Andrew welcomes your feedback.