When: May 13, 2023 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: North Bennet Street School, 150 North St., Boston, MA. Upon entering the building ask for our tour guide or meeting room. Ada Schenck, Facilities Coordinator, is a name you can reference.
Zoom: None
Speaker: Tour guide
Topic: Tour of the Cabinet and Furniture Making Department of the highly regarded school.
The meeting will start at 9:00am with 20 to 25 minutes of social gathering. That will be followed by the tour of the woodworking facilities and, if possible, a short visit to the instrument/violin program area. We will break about noon for lunch on your own. There are lots of great places in the North End from which to choose. For those interested after lunch, arrangements have been made to visit TV personality Tommy MacDonald's workshop at 46a Cross St. in the North End, a short walk away from the school and just 3-4 storefronts down from the corner of Hanover Street. At the meeting we will decide when to meet at the Tommy Mac workshop. See Notes below.
Remember to wear your name tag.
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