September 14, 2019 Guild Meeting

  • September 14, 2019
  • 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
  • Sherborn Community Center, 2 Sanger Street, Sherborn. MA 01770 and Sherborn Town Forest


We’re going to do something a bit different for our first meeting of the new season.

The Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation sponsors, in conjunction with other groups such as MA Woodlands Institute, the Massachusetts Town Forest Conference, an annual event to promote understanding of our forests and their relationship to land use, wood products, wildlife, and conservation. This year it will be at the Sherborn Town Forest. This is an event for both adults and families with a wide variation in program components. A preliminary program is attached; a final program will be circulated when we receive it.

The Guild will participate in this event in place of our regular September meeting. This participation will be in three parts.

For more information including background details, what you can do to help, preregistration, preliminary program details, and more, click here.

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