Join us for an informal round-table discussion of furniture-making designs, techniques, tools, jigs, problems and solutions. Our purpose is to share information and help anyone interested to learn more about the craft.
This whole-day trip to the Cape is being held on a weekday with our apologies to those with normal jobs. Cape traffic being what it is, a weekend event is impractical.
We will start this WEDNESDAY meeting with a morning (10-12), but otherwise typical, FIG meeting at the Harwich home of Dr. Michael O'Neil, a retired doctor with a woodworking hobby. We'll then break for lunch at a local restaurant (TBD) and then proceed to West Barnstable Tables to meet with owner Dick Kiusalas for a discussion of his business's history and market niche and a shop and showroom tour before heading home mid-afternoon.
This meeting is open to all Guild members and their guests, but please notify Don Michael,, if you plan to attend.
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