Dec. Guild meeting - Auction and Shaker Boxes - update

  • December 08, 2018
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Woodcraft of Walpole

A double header. First we'll have the "annual" Guild fundraiser, an auction of donated tools and supplies. Donation guidelines will be published in November.

Jim Tartaglia will then demonstrate how to make an iconic Shaker box, displaying a selection of Shaker boxes of various sizes, finishes and some with decoration. These moderately easy-to-make boxes have a thousand uses. 

Members will be able to make their own Shaker box at the meeting.  If you wish to do so, go to the Resources section of the Guild web site and select Papers and Articles.  Find the article titled- "Shaker box Dec 18 mtg" and read it.  Complete instructions for what you must bring to the meeting to make your own box are included.  Direct questions to Jim Tartaglia  at or 978 257 6505.

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